
Production, product development, storyboarding, filming


Our company was approached with a request to create an epic reveal for a new product release. The concept was inspired by many lighting techniques that we came across from studying projection. Most notably, projection onto mesh screens to create dimensional illusions.

The idea was to initially veil the product with a white mesh that was being projected on to misdirect the onlooker. As the mesh screen was projected onto, the objects behind them would be be virtually invisible from one side.

The installation was huge and required a sturdy truss system to keep the entire lengths of 3 mesh screens suspended. Behind the screens were 3 pedestals which elevated the premier products about 13 feet above a reflection pool. We were aiming for “epic” and the addition of the reflection pool added that extra touch and illusion of the monumental size.

At the end, as the projection faded to black, the products behind them gradually appeared by being lit from behind.

The audience was immersed and engaged during the entire display.

We purposefully chose to install the display in the main ball room by a window. This let us utilize it’s large window as a second installation that could be seen from outside, where the reception of the event was being held.

Credit: wearematik.com