
Production, animation, product research, programming and installation


Part of my internship let me work with companies that encouraged creativity and allowed up to experiment. Samsung was no exception. Samsung offered our company the opportunity to test their new line of products and asked us to find new and creative ways to market their devices in interesting and fun ways. Here are a few products that I had the pleasure working on.

I was given the opportunity to work on several different devices, but the following are the ones that I contributed the most to. The interactive kids table was a toy train that was programmed to follow a custom path that was drawn by a user of the new tablets. The drawing was transmitted onto a larger display that mirrored the drawing from the tablet and set the path for the toy train to navigate. I was tasked to come up with a design sketch of the train enclosure as well as did the animation of the characters featured on the device.

The tablet wall was mostly just a display. It was a wall that was made of 49 10″ tiled tablets. I was in charge of installing a custom program on each tablet that allowed the them to act in unison as they were all set to synchronize with a global clock. I was most proud of this because I was able to display my illustration of the city scape in such a large scale.

The 3D landscape was a fun craft project that allowed me along with the rest of our team the opportunity work together and build the prop. It was a simple design of wooden cutouts that were assembled in a landscape scene. It was then projected with custom imagery that was created using custom software.

The installation was a great way to gain experience of not only thinking about how visitors might interact with the new devices, but also a fun experience discovering other possibilities for the products to be used and marketed.
